Make Space For Some Nothing In Your Life

The other day, something interesting happened. I had a moment while sitting in an upstairs room at the back of my home. I had been running errands all day, and it felt a little like swinging from vine to vine, with no breaks in between. I had visited with a friend or two, and had... Continue Reading →

Over It, Pandemically

Well it's been almost a year, and I think everyone's pretty much just done with it. I mean, it's to the point where you can actually feel it. Everything is kind of 'meh' and the spark just isn't there, the mojo is gone, whatever euphemism you choose to use here, but they all apply. We've... Continue Reading →

A Midwinter Night’s Eve

It had been a good week, but still, I was happy for it to be Friday. I was looking forward to a weekend with no commitments, heaven for an introvert. I got home, changed out of my work clothes into something soft and comfortable, and after making supper, I crashed on the couch for a... Continue Reading →

The Upside of a Polar Vortex

Funny how inspiration comes from the unlikeliest of places at times. Today was that kind of day. Actually, the last few days were that kind of day. A "Polar Vortex" had hit Wisconsin and the whole state kind of shut down over the span of three days. Oh, we fought it though. We kept going... Continue Reading →

Do You Need A PaulaDay?

Women are taught from an early age to please others. Watching our mothers, we follow the role models before us and help where we're needed. We wash clothes, fold laundry, sweep floors, vacuum carpets, feed and brush pets, swaddle babies, and feed, clothe and comfort children – the list is endless. We keep track of... Continue Reading →

The Iceman Cometh

After three days of above-freezing temps, the entire county turned into an ice rink. Events were being cancelled everywhere. Not because of too much snow, or too much cold, but because the warm days and freezing nights literally glazed everything over to a thick, icy shine. My driveway and back patio were iced over, and... Continue Reading →

No Comfort Like A Dog

Well, I finally did it. I didn’t think it would happen for a very long time, but I recently decided I’d lived alone for long enough, and was tired of coming home to an empty house. I didn’t know if I was ready for that big step just yet, not sure if I was ready... Continue Reading →

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